i'm naked inside my fear
the naked truth.

September 13, 2002 | 7:59 pm
so i'm at my mom's cleaning out the harddrive on this computer, and i've run across a few (tons, actually) pictures.

for you: here are the many faces of laura.

soph year when i made my college beau come to a highschool dance. it wouldn't have sucked so bad for him had he graduated from lee, but alas, he did not. and he had to drive from louisiana college (near alex) to come, and he had to drive back the next day for baseball practice. poor guy.

Junior year - I was a cute little cheerleader, wasn't I?

this was taken in a drunken fit about three weeks before mardi gras freshman year of college. needless to say, we were ready for the parties mg brings.

this was some random boy that asked in a nice way to take a picture with me. some navy boy or something.

...more when i can change the format to upload them to d-land.

d-land does NOT like .bmp files. too bad that's what all of mine are.

before | after

miss me?

make a difference - July 12, 2007
in short - February 20, 2007
gameday - October 14, 2006
quickie - October 02, 2006
roxie bear - July 06, 2006