i'm naked inside my fear
the naked truth.

October 02, 2006 | 5:41 pm
sorry i never write anymore. school is time-consuming, but it doesn't seem veri difficult. i write more on paper now, and i have a closer support system that listens to my day to day stuff.

i met the man i'm going to marry. his name is scott. i'm the luckiest girl in the world. he treats me so well... i didn't realize until him that no one had ever treated me that way. and of course, he's funny and smart and completely gorgeous. he's a wonderful person to be in love with.

just a quick update. at some point i'll write more but for now i should start on a paper for school!

before | after

miss me?

make a difference - July 12, 2007
in short - February 20, 2007
gameday - October 14, 2006
quickie - October 02, 2006
roxie bear - July 06, 2006