i'm naked inside my fear
the naked truth.

July 13, 2002 | 6:50 p.m.
Laundry and Power Puff Girls and too much food in my belly still and it needs to digest before I vomit and lose it all.

sorry, guys.

Things I need to do today:

1) Get paint and start my paintings again - way to vent (which I really need to do)

2) Manage to get enough sleep, whether it be a huge nap before I go out or not going out at all so i can wake up in the morning and run until my heart collapses.

3) Send Thank You cards to Jeff and Jimmy and Patrick for helping me move about 4 months ago. Or something like that.

4) Figure out the things that are constant in my head. This will be on the to-do list for more than one day.

I wonder if I should start going to a therapist again? Or no? Throughout the years it never did a whole lot for me; I've always been very good at disclosing the events I feel necessary and holding on to the rest.

So, I don't think I'm going to have any problems with the "mood disorders" section in my psychology book. That should cut close to home.

I haven't purged in three and a half days. It's a never ending cycle that restarted recently and I'm fighting it!!

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

I can make it through this. And I don't need help, so for all of you sending emails and such (and not you kevin, yours isn't what I'm talking about) offering help, back the fuck off. I don't need you nor do I want your sympathy.

I'm a big girl now, remember?


"Blessed she who clearly sees the wood for the trees / To obtain a 'bird's eye' is to turn a blizzard into a breeze"

before | after

miss me?

make a difference - July 12, 2007
in short - February 20, 2007
gameday - October 14, 2006
quickie - October 02, 2006
roxie bear - July 06, 2006