i'm naked inside my fear
the naked truth.

Monday, August 12, 2002 | 9:03 p.m.
"KILLER ON THE LOOSE! PLEASE BE CAREFUL. Love, Mom" signs were posted all over the lake when I went out there this weekend. When I saw them Thursday with Andy, I was sort of freaked out, but in a way it touched me...

My mom went to Dallas Wednesday afternoon and came back today. When I came to the house to drop off Jeff's jeep (yes, I got the honda back) I saw a sign in her room.

So yeah, my mom put the signs up. But not just for me, for every woman who runs that path, but she did say, "I know you go that way every day" and to think that the sign touched me that much, and it was my very own mother who hung them.

she can be so scary and obsessive sometimes, but sometimes it's actually nice.

So anyway, it's on the front page of the metro/state section of the advocate today. check it out if you happen to have a paper.

So I ran with the marathon group and it was an awesome experience. I felt like I did really well, and I was cheering along those who weren't doing as well. It was nice to meet everyone I'd be spending the next few months with. I am the youngest by far, and certainly the youngest female. After the run a few of us did a street-corner fundraiser and it was nice to kick-off my fundraising. I only have to raise $3300 now! My horoscope for Saturday was: "Pleasure is everywhere. The good times embrace you and treat you with love. Self-consciousness fades away as you merge with the world. This is when Taurus is most beautiful" and although I doubt I was looking hot after running and standing on Seigan Lane for two hours, I felt good. That's what matters, right? Until the crash... I was doing well and it all hit me (lack of sleep, overexertion of body, etc) and I slept and slept and slept. I went grocery shopping and went by Patrick's house Saturday night and that was the extent of my fun.

What else - I went to Jimmy's house and made a CD, and I talked to Dustin a lot today. He still hasn't mentioned the whole engagment thing, and he even went so far as to ask me if I was seeing anyone right now.


so I better get back to my apartment b/c I don't have my cell w/me and I know Jim is trying to reach me. It's this feeling I have! actually, he told me he would. So I better go.



"Pretty soon she'll figure out what his intentions were about/ That's what you get for falling again"

before | after

miss me?

make a difference - July 12, 2007
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