i'm naked inside my fear
the naked truth.

January 10, 2003 | 9:21 am
last night was good, with the exception of my breaking an entire bottle of goldschlager. i really enjoy working at b@r-t's. bradley sat at the bar and talked to me all night. i kind of felt bad when jake called... but when i got a text message at 3am and i was excited because i thought jake was awake, i felt better.

ended up being bradley anyway. but that's okay. he's cool as hell but probably too simple for me anyway. not that simple is bad... i'm just so complex it's ridiculous. he's sweet, though. called me to tell me to drive safely on the way home because lots of police were out and about.

nothing that's not surface is coming out... sorry this is so boring. maybe it's too early to hate my life 100%.

before | after

miss me?

make a difference - July 12, 2007
in short - February 20, 2007
gameday - October 14, 2006
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