i'm naked inside my fear
the naked truth.

December 15, 2002 | 7:18 pm
i spent the day with jake. we rode the same 4-wheeler, which put us in close contact all day. i found it more difficult than i liked to keep from kissing that young boy. how terrible is that? YOUNG. that's what he is. nothing more to me, just a young boy.

i try so hard to tell myself that. i try to ignore that i have known this boy forever; i try to forget that i've always wanted him to be my age - to lessen the age gap between us.

so we rode in a christmas parade - out in the country where four-wheelers are the thing to own. after the parade we went down a couple back roads and he took me to this lake. we just stopped... he turned off the four-wheeler and we just talked. for just a second i thought he was going to kiss me, but then i remembered: he's scared to death of me. and rightfully so, i guess. he's 2 years younger than me and he's never seen me without a boyfriend.

until now. but i can't get into this. besides, what about christopher? i really enjoyed our time together. why can't i not think of jake daigle?

before | after

miss me?

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