i'm naked inside my fear
the naked truth.

November 27, 2002 | 2:46 am
i have been voilated.

and no, i'm not joking. something has been bothering me, and instead of dealing with it in a mature manner (what kind of laura diane would do that?) i have brushed it off as a joke.

and i can't anymore. it's very very real and i don't have a clue how to deal with it.

i've been a victim of sexual harassment in a huge way by a lawyer i work with, only it's been outside of the office.

i know it's not my fault, but i feel like i deserve it.

i have become the woman i hate -- the woman without the strength to stand up for herself.

the one who bitches and complains about something but won't take care of it.

but i said no no no no i won't go home with you no no no and oh my what the FUCK am i going to do?

it's already bad enough that i feel uncomfortable around his WIFE (who i also work with) but i didn't do anything and i can't handle this shit anymore!

will i ever be treated like a human being again?

before | after

miss me?

make a difference - July 12, 2007
in short - February 20, 2007
gameday - October 14, 2006
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