i'm naked inside my fear
the naked truth.

October 11, 2002 | 1:55 pm
I got flowers today, and I don't know who they're from.

not my mom, not evans-graves, not green-shorts boy or brian or lance...

someone that knows where i work(ed) and would take the time to look up the address and send a card only addressed to me (and not SIGN the goddamned thing)...

andy and i have both decided that it takes a lot for a boy to remember something said in passing (like, where I am employed) and to turn that information into something like a bouquet of flowers, I must have made some impression.

THIS is a problem.

I don't like boys that like me. In fact, it scares me very much. There are many reasons for this; the main being that -I- know me and I feel that a boy with such an infatuation with me needs a reality check. After said reality check, I expect to not to hear further from said boy.

I wonder if I even want to KNOW who the flowers are from.


before | after

miss me?

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