i'm naked inside my fear
the naked truth.

October 05, 2002 | 10:48 am
The friday before last election day, a really cute boy came to my door. This was pre-serial killer, so it was semi-okay to open the door to strangers. He asked for my number! But not because he liked me. He asked me to vote for so-and-so and asked for my number so he could call and remind me. Which was fine, and I really would have voted for so-and-so had I not gotten so drunk the night before and not woken up.

So boy in mention waits... ten minutes(?) and the phone rings. I'm heading out the door, but I answer. He says he and his friend are going to get dinner and would I like to come with them? Sorry, I've got plans.. another time? and that was that. I never talked to him again, and didn't expect to... pretty gutsy for him to call in the first place, but that's cool.

Two things that brought about this memory. Firstly, it's election day. People are standing all over the street in the hotass weather holding signs and waving. "hi" I wave back, but I'm not going to vote. As ignorant as it seems to NOT vote, I feel like it would be even more ignorant to just randomly vote for people I know nothing about. I haven't followed the campaign, and since I don't watch a lot of TV, I don't even know who's running.

Secondly, Scott. Who is this boy? I don't know. Some ramdom guy that's a friend of my friend Lauren's. And he's 24. And he has a real job. I thought I should stay away from these? ("these" being boys that have graduated and moved on to the real world) and this is why: What the HELL does a boy who's in the big world want with a girl who still has two years of undergrad and three years of law school? I'll be going on spring break while he's going on work conferences. And that's not okay with me. I explained this to Jen when I got home (around 3:45, after talking to Michael and Mackie and Fab) and she told me I just have a problem with relationships. This leads me to a list -- one that I will include in a later entry. For now, I'll just catch up.

Sorry, this might be long(er)...

The hurricane was a fluke. Here, at least. It blew some shit around and it rained a lot. Jen and I bought $70 worth of liquor and threw a small party where everyone ended up bringing their own beer. (that means Jen and I drank way too much.) And now we have enough liquor to drink way too much for the rest of October. But alas, I have had no desire to drink since the hurricane party.

Around 4:30am yours truly got the wonderful idea to go find some mud to slosh around in. We got a football and a soccer ball and packed everyone into a few cars and went to LSU's parade grounds. After being tackled (yes, full body, and if not for the several drinks I'd have been crying) several times, kicking the soccer ball in all directions (barefoot, that is) and sliding in mud and grass, we all got cold and went home.

And then it was 6am.

And I'm still sore. And I've been sick since. I've been coughing like I have emphasima and am in need of respiratory assistance. You bet a smokey bar helped last night.

School was cancelled Thursday/Friday for Hurricane Lili but (yay!) never closed for Saturday. Today is homecoming. Not that I can go to the game. I hope it's worth it for me to miss... it better be!!

Surely other things have happened to me this week, but probably none important. For now, I'm just doing laundry and wishing I could go back to bed.

London and Tequila woke me up at 8:45. Good thing I went to sleep at 5am.

But when this laundry is finished, I'm going back home and drowning my sleepiness in some Tylenol-PM.

Thanks for your patience, those who got this far :)


before | after

miss me?

make a difference - July 12, 2007
in short - February 20, 2007
gameday - October 14, 2006
quickie - October 02, 2006
roxie bear - July 06, 2006