i'm naked inside my fear
the naked truth.

November 15, 2002 | 8:21 am
meowwww meowwwww is what tequila sounds like. she's going through "the changes" and she'll be a woman soon.

I've been singing that silly song from Pulp Fiction "girl.. you'll be a woman.. soon" and she HATES it. right now she hates being picked up and she hates not getting attention but all she wants to do is roam up and down the hall and cry. i pity her, i do, but she won't let me hold her. so i can't help.

maybe she'll be feeling better by the time i get home.

i'm attempting to function on four hours of sleep and already i can tell this day is going to be a difficult one. the last time i missed a lot of sleep and had to work all day, i drank coffee galore until i threw up from a caffine overdose.

lets not let this happen again, laura diane.

so this morning i ate oatmeal, which is a story in itself. oatmeal was actually one of the more difficult things for me to buy last time roomie and i went grocery shopping. when i was a kid and i'd stay at my dad's, all he ever fed me for breakfast was oatmeal. long story short, the bad feelings i have had towards him in the past have been taken out on oatmeal -- a food i haven't eaten for more than ten years now. time eases pain, though, and i have since forgiven dear father. so i wanted to take the next step...

and it was okay. i would have been better off with my usual grits, but you know, all i ATE yesterday was grits and crabmeat, so i thought i could try something new.

before | after

miss me?

make a difference - July 12, 2007
in short - February 20, 2007
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